Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nothin' New...

I'm a much avid poster on Fotki. So if ya'll want some updates or some more pictures, come to my three fotki accounts.

the most recent posts are at blaqbeauti3 but to see the beginning, go to the first one.

but i'll put some pics up here soon. nothing new is going on except for the fact that i did combine my locs at the roots and i'm just gonna keep them twisted to the ends. i'm not expecting them to fuse together (although i have heard success stories in this regard) but i just need for my roots to be thicker.

the only problem is that when i went to a salon (other than my own) to see about getting the extending locs sewn together the woman just about went into a tangent about how unhealthy it is for your locs and that even though i'm trying to remedy one problem by combining the roots, i'm creating another problem because the locs that are already loced will not fuse together and that it will cause weakness or something. i stopped listening to her at one point because i didn't like her demeanor and attitude and she kept tryin to tell me how she been in the business for 40 years and how she wouldn't tell me something that wouldn't benefit me in the end, and that's all well and good, but i asked one simple question, and not a book. i just had to get out of there.

for now, i'll just keep the ends twisted together and when i go back to the salon on the 28th, i'll ask them for their opinion.

one thing she did tell me though that sounded appealing was to get loc extensions on my locs but how then again she wouldn't advise that i take that course either.


she told me it would be too costly, yada yada yada. i couldn't even get a question in and whatnot. it was just aggravating.

anyhow, like i said, i'll figure something out. if any of you ladies have any suggestions, please help. thanks...


KnottyAuthor said...

oh brother, that's why i dont go to any loctician. that attitude ran me away from my sl appt and 100buck deposit. she screamed at me for cancelling the appointment! oh, no.


im not the expert, this is my take. she's probably right-but my guru cherie king/rockinlocks who wrote the guide to bradelocz did it. she cut bangs, grew tired of the, and sewed her braids back on. Queenli another bradelocker cut her locks this summer and just sewed her cut pcs back on.

she has a point, but, i have no apprehension whatsoever of snipping them if that area appears weak with breakage. by the time that occurs, my locks will be the length i want anyway-and that was my opinion going into this. there is yarn(walmart)that can be separated and looped around that area, and i have been contemplating that-but i'm not attached to the sew job and would snip tomorrow if i thought it was a bad idea and not miss it....i just want a temporary soln and a change-for now...after seeing the progress i've made in a year, im confident that this time next year the true lock will be at my collar bone and i probably will want to snip it off, so i will.

as far as the weight of it(if that's an issue)it's not an issue right now. if/when it becomes one, i'll snip it off...but after all these years, i never saw mention from cherie that it harmed her hair and her locks look like it inc. the sewn in piece...also lonnice bonners book : nice dreds...give explicit directions on how to do this and use it as a solution..she's about 10years there's enough support out there for me to be i havent even missed those dragons....if you need them for coverage right now, keep em. if not, snip and sew...good luck, you wont be able to fly until you get out of her nest.

KnottyAuthor said...

oh, one more it doesnt interfere with hairstyles, in fact, i can pull my hair into a scrunchie now, without bangs popping out, and if it does detach, shoot, i'll just sew it bck? i dont see what the big deal is(with your loctician that is).

mscocontxus said...

Hey, tough break with the not at all helpful loctician talk. It's one of the reasons I'm a DIYer. From everything that I've read, Cheles is on target. It also seems you've got a good head for locking, so I'm sure you'll make the right decision.